We deliver customized training and coaching to schools on the move.
We seek a world where all students are supported to produce meaningful work that is valued within and beyond the classroom. With over 65 years of professional experience, we help transform schools through future-focused training, coaching, and design.

Professional Development
We train teachers to reengineer curriculum, design engaging projects, and connect learning to real-world expectations.

Leadership Coaching
We serve as thought partners for school administrators and learning organizations looking to bring coherence to their programs and implement best practices.

Program Design
We work with school leaders to design and implement graduate profiles, small schools, and career-themed academy programs.

Michelle Swanson
Michelle Swanson has a distinguished career in theatre direction, arts education, school reform coaching, and professional development. Michelle’s deep experience in school design began during her 22 years in the classroom when she developed a sequential theatre arts program and helped create an award-winning integrated studies school in Northern California. Michelle lives in Eugene, OR.
Theron Cosgrave
Theron Cosgrave (aka “Cos”) works with educators on a wide range of challenges including project-based learning, curriculum development, school reform, leadership development, and strategic planning. Prior to consulting, Theron spent a decade as a high school social studies teacher and Assistant Principal. Theron holds a B.A. in Political Science and M.A. in Education from Stanford and a M.A. in Education Administration from SFSU. Theron lives in Davis, CA.

school, district, and educational organization clients nationwide
teachers trained in project-based learning
During our 20+ years of consulting, we’ve worked with hundreds of teachers and school leaders representing nearly every school setting imaginable. In addition to gaining deep experience, we’re proud of the meaningful professional relationships we've built along the way.